Návštěva z Rumunska u nás na Gymnáziu

Minulý týden trávili na našem gymnáziu studenti z rumunského města Csiksereda.

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Ilustrační fotografie

Dopoledne trávili zapojeni do vyučování na naší škole, odpoledne postupně navštívili Předklášteří, Pernštejn a Lomnici. Středeční státní svátek strávili v Brně a na zpáteční cestě do své země si ještě  prohlédli Bratislavu a další města. Někteří z nich napsali pár slov o tom, jak se jim u nás líbilo a co si z toho odnáší. 

Hello everyone,
We were participating in the Erasmus program in Tišnov, Czechia. We are grateful for the warm welcome we received from the local community, as well as the support and guidance provided by the program coordinators. We are filled with a deep sense of gratitude for the invaluable experiences, and the new friends we made. Thank you for welcoming us with open arms.The whole community tried to embrace us, the teachers included us in their lessons while the students accompanied us in the afternoons, providing great company. The students spoke incredibly in both English and German, making the language barrier disappear completely and helped us during our stay in every way they could. 
Máté, Melinda and Noémi

I was surprised to find out that both the teachers and the students in Tisnov are very friendly and curious about our culture, we spent some great time discussing similarities and differences between our regions, making this a good opportunity for language learning. For example I found out, thanks to one of the English teachers, that Czechs have many of the Hungarian proverbs in their language with the use of interesting little images to illustrate the proverbs. More than that I made some good friends along the way, I was happy to see that the students in Tisnov were just as excited about us as we were about them. Last but not least we visited some beautiful places near Tisnov like the Spilberk Castle and Lomnice. During these trips I had the chance to take a closer look at Czech culture and history, themes wich were barely known by me before.
In conclusion I can ceartinly say that our stay in Tisnov was a good opportunity for us to learn to speak better English/German while we also made some wonderful memories, and hopefully some long-lasting friendships.

I’m so happy that I got the chance to attend a Czech High School for a few days. Going to school in Tišnov was interesting. I liked that they moved around the buildings to get to different classes. The teachers were attentive, they tried to make it easier for us to get involved in their classes. Also, I’m so glad that I got the chance to meet so many amazing Czech students, they made our whole experience so much better. This week was lovely and it will remain such a special memory that I can think back to.
